Cheltenham Systems


Cheltenham Systems is a small company, led by John Davies.

It has a group of advisors, and it has a growing network of businesses and business leaders that John knows and trusts to deliver quality services.

The company has three serious goals:

  1. Help out the folks with national security and law enforcement responsibility in the UK (and its close partners)
  2. Help strengthen the network of small and medium-sized businesses in the UK that are also trying to do 1
  3. Make some money, to allow 1. and 2. to continue

It has some other, softer, goals around doing interesting work for people who are trying to do something useful in the world, and it wants to help make Cheltenham the centre of UK cyber security and cyber security start-ups.

John has worked with most of the big players in the national security, cyber security, and law enforcement fields in the UK.

He has worked for a large UK government agency, has built up a small security company in Gloucestershire, and has worked for a large global defence prime, helping the UK work with security partners abroad.

He is now managing a portfolio of work: he is currently helping with the NCSC’s cyber security accelerator, run by Wayra, is a member of the Technology Advisory Panel to the Investigatory Powers Commissioners, and is part of IDEPP (the Independent Digital Ethics Panel for Policing).

He also provides ‘start-up’ liaison services to a large defence prime, provides advice and active help to some start-ups, directly, and is working on a synthetic data offering.